Tuesday 22 November 2011


The weekend was indeed a long and tiring one for me, woke up on Monday morning for work still feeling very drowsy but overall it was fun. Anyway my sister and I visited my Uncle who is a Pharmacist by profession and was amazed at some of the things he told us which I cannot help but share. He surprisingly spoke up after we had discussed other family issues, saying he wanted us to get married and settle down as soon as possible, not just because we were getting older but because he knows that majority of our young female adults are using contraceptives. He strongly advised that we should desist if we were into such and that he would not keep mute and watch his nieces get into trouble knowing the implications of these drugs since he was in the field of medicine. He said" I am a pharmacist, we prescribe and sell these drugs but the truth will never be told of the dangerous after effects that these drugs portray.

Contraceptives he said, will carry out their job effectively but the after effect will manifest in the children of the said contraceptive user sometimes leading to cervical cancer. Another important area he mentioned is complication in child birth as a result of blood clotting as well as some causing obesity in females. A lot of these contraceptives causes blood clotting and other complications may arise due to improper blood circulation.

I have always been of the opinion that these contraceptives will always have a side effect and wondered how married couples are able to sustain their marriages without having to give birth to so many children. Being a catholic has helped to throw light more on contraceptives and the unhealthy implications of them as well as the need to only use the natural family planning method which happens to be the safest, healthiest, oldest, most effective, proven, tested and trusted method of birth control.

What more can we say, life has been made very easy and so we have it served on a platter of gold to us, but please we ladies are especially more at risk with the numerous side effects of all our risky behaviours, the men I am sorry to say and being unbiased are left to enjoy the benefits while we bear the brunt(Pregnancy, Cervical cancer etc) Today, we can choose to take a decision to stop the risky habits/behaviours that exposes one to a short life span.

Lets live responsibly!
Best wishes!

Monday 10 October 2011

Discover the real you, It defines you!

How well do you know yourself? How well can you define the real you? We are often lost in wondering contemplation when asked to give a brief description of us, so it was rather interesting when I was asked to do a personality type review by a friend. I usually do not take personality tests serious each time I did it because I was of the opinion that it can never really be the true definition of me.
Alas when I took this personality test, It gave me a positive feedback, showing me the real ME in ME. Here’s what I got as my personality type combination: I am an Extravert, Intuitive, Feeler and Perceiver. It explained that people with the said type of personality combination tend to be: enthusiastic, talkative, and outgoing; clever, curious, and playful; deeply caring, sensitive, and gentle; highly innovative, creative, optimistic, and unique; adaptable and resourceful but sometimes disorganized (shame on me, truth is I am disorganized at times ooo, hmmnnn, don’t know if a potential suitor is reading this “winks”)
The most important thing to people who have got personality type like mine is freedom to see possibilities, make connections, and be with a variety of people. If know me, not just by judging from a distance, I guess you will agree with some of these findings. If you really know who you are, then all challenges will be surmounted.
I have embarked on a project I tagged with the help of a friend "THE 90% PROJECT" and as the day counts by with the clock ticking; I need the consciousness to surmount the challenges I do not see and I hope to emerge fresher like a newly hatched chick from its shell. Obstacles they say are what we see when you take your eyes off the goal. My dear diary beckons as loud as ever… 
Praying until something happens.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

The missing balance in our relationships...

If you cannot make yourself what you would be, how can you expect to have another according to your liking? We would willingly have others perfect, and yet we do not amend our own faults. We would have others strictly corrected but are not willing to be corrected ourselves, the large liberty that others take displeases us; and yet we do not want to be denied anything we ask for. We are willing that others should be bound up by laws, and yet we cannot suffer ourselves to be restrained. Thus it is evident how seldom we weigh our neighbours in the same balance with ourselves. If all were perfect, what then should we have to bear with from others for God's love, this is an excerpt from "Imitation of Christ" by Thomas Kempis.

This is typical of what happens in our world and all around us, like the popular saying it is very easy to see the speck in another's eyes and not see the log in yours, such is life. It is actually a very difficult situation of which I am also guilty of, we never want to let anyone have the same liberty that we possess, jealousy greed and envy at the root of it all. We can claim not to agree with being jealous, envious or greedy but if you can deal with your subconcious thoughts, control and decipher the feelings that come with the actions/words played out, you will find out what I mean. These feelings come naturally but how we each deal with it becomes the major issue, if the feeling overwhelms us we find ourselves getting unhappy, angry when we see others taking too much liberty which we take without batting an eyelid.

A friend shared her experience in her previous place of work, she had a very mean boss who gave queries like it was a response to every good morning you tell her. You cannot get to the office late even when you call in that you are running late but her boss had the liberty to stroll in to the office at her leisure time at times visiting the stylist before coming to work. She screamed and shouted down on everyone in the office except her equal which was rather disgusting. She sits and gives out all the instructions but always insatiable with results, uses the company car(not offical), materials for her personal affairs but you dare repeat similar actions and be a "gunner". I was recently told that almost all her colleagues had left the organisation, and those left are planning to leave before the year ends. The organisation has been known to have a very high staff turnover rate because of the said boss.

This is a typical example of what goes on in our different places of work and in most cases we are helpless and just play along. Our homes, relationships also have a fair share of this.

The question remains: How do we treat people fairly like we want to be treated, without bias, jealousy, envy or greed?

"We must all have charity for all although familarity with all is not expedient, be courteous and friendly but also avoid dangerous familarity...                                                                          Thomas Kempis.

Welcome back!!!

Yeah! been a very long time I updated you. I promise to do that as often as I can.

A lot has happened over the past few months, new decisions made...

It is well.

Thursday 10 March 2011

Much Ado About First class and 2.1

Finally stopped being called an "Otondo" on Feb 10th 2011, and now the job search has begun. I was looking forward to that but right now I am not sure anymore if I am happy, I am no more a corp member. It has not being palatable especially for people like us who graduated with a second class lower.
You find almost all job openings requesting for a minimum of 2.1 and years of experience, which I find rather strange because not even all top executives who make these requests actually graduated with a 2.1 Graduates with a 2.2 and 3rd class are left to scramble for any lesser or unwanted jobs. Frankly, it has been proven that most graduates below a 2.1 perform better than those with 2.1 and first class especially on the job experience. The fact that they did not make these most requested grades does not make them any lesser than their peer. They have got potentials if only employers would give them opportunities to showcase themselves. Notable Nigerians have emerged in this country with lesser grades but have risen to the peak of their career and are even highly respected, likes of which include, Late Gani Fawehinmi, Prof. Wole Soyinka etc.
A friend once shared a story of how a company needed to recruit for a particular position and it was taking forever to get a suitable person to fill the position, after a while the CEO of the company demanded to know why it was taking so long, the HR Manager replied: "Sir, we could not get any suitable candidate from the persons we interviewed, since we requested  for only first class and 2.1" the CEO replied and said " what happened to those with 2.2 and 3rd class, aren't they available as well, in fact you (the manager) even graduated with a 2.2, so why can't you also give them an opportunity"
I understand the fact that it can really be a herculean task having to attend to all CVs submitted at your desk, but you can creatively do a quick scan through them all and sieve out the chaff from the grain.
This story serves as an eye opener to potential employers to give everyone an equal opportunity irrespective of their grades. They have got what you need! Give them a chance!
Hippy, congratulations to  me. I got a new blog. I have just gotten the perfect thing to keep me busy.
Writing has never been my hobby, I sincerely wish I can sit for hours non-stop to write and not just writing but creatively as well.
I will enjoy this while it lasts...