Monday, 10 October 2011

Discover the real you, It defines you!

How well do you know yourself? How well can you define the real you? We are often lost in wondering contemplation when asked to give a brief description of us, so it was rather interesting when I was asked to do a personality type review by a friend. I usually do not take personality tests serious each time I did it because I was of the opinion that it can never really be the true definition of me.
Alas when I took this personality test, It gave me a positive feedback, showing me the real ME in ME. Here’s what I got as my personality type combination: I am an Extravert, Intuitive, Feeler and Perceiver. It explained that people with the said type of personality combination tend to be: enthusiastic, talkative, and outgoing; clever, curious, and playful; deeply caring, sensitive, and gentle; highly innovative, creative, optimistic, and unique; adaptable and resourceful but sometimes disorganized (shame on me, truth is I am disorganized at times ooo, hmmnnn, don’t know if a potential suitor is reading this “winks”)
The most important thing to people who have got personality type like mine is freedom to see possibilities, make connections, and be with a variety of people. If know me, not just by judging from a distance, I guess you will agree with some of these findings. If you really know who you are, then all challenges will be surmounted.
I have embarked on a project I tagged with the help of a friend "THE 90% PROJECT" and as the day counts by with the clock ticking; I need the consciousness to surmount the challenges I do not see and I hope to emerge fresher like a newly hatched chick from its shell. Obstacles they say are what we see when you take your eyes off the goal. My dear diary beckons as loud as ever… 
Praying until something happens.

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